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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> "Code 10" error running nVidia Geforce4 Ti4200 and S3 Virage
The Belgain   2004-06-29 08:27
I'm getting a code 10 error in device manager, and only one of the cards works. If I set the AGP card to primary in BIOS, then only the AGP card works in WinXP (the other one has code 10). If I set the PCI one to primary in BIOS, then only the PCI one works.

How can I get both of these to work together? I thought that newer cards didn't need to be set to primary in BIOS in order to start? Am I wrong? Has anyone managed to get this to work?

My motherboard is an Asus A7N8X Deluxe rev 2.0, the nVidia card is a Leadtek VIVO Ti4200 64MB AGP. Any help would be very welcome...

The Belgain
ECarlson   2004-06-29 12:26
The old S3 Virge PCI card definately needs to be primary in BIOS. Generally, the NVidia should work with the S3. Do you have the latest BIOS on your motherboard?

Does the NVidia card have dual outputs (DVI & VGA)? If so, you shouldn't need the old S3, unless you want 3 monitors.

- Eric,
ECarlson   2004-06-29 12:27
One more tip: Try a different PCI slot.

Please let us know how it works out.

- Eric,
The Belgain   2004-06-29 18:34
Yes, I have latest BIOS for my motherboard. The nVidia card does have dual outputs, but I want to run 3 monitors (I've been running 2 monitors for ages, and that works fine).

I'll try moving the S3 card to a different PCI slot, but I don't know if this will help, seeing as the card does actually work when it's set to primary (it's just that the nVidia card then doesn't work).

The Belgain
ECarlson   2004-06-30 10:35
The PCI slot you have it in might share some resources with the AGP slot, so a different slot might fix the problem. Let us know what happens.

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> "Code 10" error running nVidia Geforce4 Ti4200 and S3 Virage

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