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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Radeon 7000 and Trident Onboard video.
Misha Chitharanjan   2004-06-30 08:19
I have 2 video cards and three displays (2 monitors and a TV). I have a 17inch monitor running at 1024x768 on the craptacular Trident Blade onboard graphics card with 8mb of shared RAM, and a 19inch running at 1280x1024 and a TV running of a Powercolor Radeon 7000 PCI with 64MB.

I really want to run the 17inch at 1152x864, but the TRident drivers don't support it. Since the Radeon has a DVI conector that I'm not using, I Was thinking of switching hte 17inch monitor over to the Radeon. Does anyone know if this card can handle 3 displays simultaneously? If so, will there be a performance hit by running the 3 screens off of a single adapter rather than spreading it around to 2 adapters?

Thanks a lot for any advice you can provide.
ECarlson   2004-06-30 10:45
No. Only 2 of the outputs will work at a time. There are programs out there that might allow you to select non-standard resolutions on the other video card, but I don't know any by name.

- Eric,
Misha Chitharanjan   2004-06-30 11:05
Thanks for the info. I never thought of the fact that I could find software to change to non-standard resolutions. Unfortunately a google search hasn't turned up much. Does anyone else have any names to set me on the right track? :)
Christian Studer   2004-06-30 22:13
Take a look at PowerStrip.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Radeon 7000 and Trident Onboard video.

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