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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual-Head Video Card Help
Brandon Dean   2004-07-02 02:31
I recently bought a Geforce4 MX440 AGP 8X 128MB video card with dvi, s-video, and normal vga out. My problem is that I can't get the dvi port to work. I can only do dual-view with the tv-out port. Even with the UltraMon software it doesn't see my second monitor even though I have it hooked up. I am suspecting the dvi to vga adapter, and I will be getting a different one next Saturday from my brother. Let me know if you need my system specs. Anyhelp would be greatly appreciated.

Brandon Dean
Mobius   2004-07-08 10:24
Please don't replace your MX440 with *another* MX440. Really - it's a Graphics *DECELLERATOR*. :P

Splash out for a decent card like the 9800SE - which only costs a few dollars more.

How many escape pods are there?
You counted them?
Brandon D.   2004-07-13 07:33
Ok. I don't really plan on buying a new card for maybe a year after I get some more money, considering that one only cost me 60 bucks. Also, I prefer the nvidia chipset better than the radeon chipset.

Brandon D/
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual-Head Video Card Help

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