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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Tri-Head gaming system recommendations
cmical   2004-07-02 02:49
I'm in the market for a single AGP card to drive three 20" Viewsonics LCDs.

This system will be used primarily for gaming, so a high end card is needed.

Any suggestions? Is this doable with a single AGP?

I've checked out the database, and it seems like those that are doing three monitors are either driving them with a PCI card or a PCI/AGP combo.

Thanks in advance.
M. Wise   2004-07-02 04:38
The only single card I'm aware of with triple-head support that is even remotely close to a high end gaming card would be the Matrox Parhelia. There are other single-card solutions both PCI and AGP that have quad support, but they're not really meant for gaming (Matrox G200/G400/G450 MMS cards come to mind as well as they Matrox QID, as do some cards by a company called Appian.) The Big Two of video card gaming (NVidia, ATI) do not have any so-called triplehead cards.
Mobius   2004-07-08 10:22
Don't touch the parhelia - it's a piece of crap for gaming!

Get yourself a good top-end ATI card (Hell - at a pinch even an nVidia would do! ;) ) and then get yourself a good quality PCI graphics card - and yes - they are still available. nVidia FX5600 is still available in PCI flavour...


Wait until september, and get yourself a PCIe (express) motherboard with 2X PCIx 16 slots. That way you can install 2 hot PCIx graphics cards and have four monitors. Probably best to stick with three monitors though, because most FPS shooters don;t permit you to change the location of the crosshairs (or, if you can - the rounds still land in the default location) and using 4 monitors means the crosshair (by default) will sit half on on one monitor and half on another (The same as if you use Q3A in dualhead mode).

How many escape pods are there?
You counted them?
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Tri-Head gaming system recommendations

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