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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Multi monitors (showing the same desktop)
Dave   2004-07-05 08:16
I've been tring to get two monitors to display the same desktop at the same time. In effect, I want what happens in one monitor to be mirored in the other (that way a client will not have to look over my shoulder nor will I have to turn my monitor). Bolth video cards are nvidia one is a Gforce4 the other is a TNT 64pro.

Also if I can not do this with nvidia cards what do I need to do this?
Dave   2004-07-05 08:27
also I'm useing windows 2000, and dwnlwded the newest nvidia drivers to see if their was an option that would alow me to do this .
ECarlson   2004-07-05 12:12
You need a single video card with dual outputs that supports mirror mode. Most NVidia's with dual outs support mirror mode. Does your GeForce4 have dual outs? Mine does.

Or if you have a second computer system, or laptop, you could use a remote screen app, like Windows Terminal Services, RAdmin, VNC, or many others.

- Eric,
ricahrd   2004-07-06 17:31
you can keep your current video card, there is no need to buy dual head card if you need only 2 monitors with clone mode...instead you can buy a spliter cable...this way you will have 2 indentical desktops at the same time
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Multi monitors (showing the same desktop)

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