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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> problem with Ultramon buttons
Stefan   2004-07-05 21:11
I have a problem with the Ultramon buttons (to move the window to another monitor etc.)on top of the folder windows and some other windows.They are there, but they just don`t work! They do work in all applications (including Outlook Express), but do not in all folders and Internet Explorer! BTW.,the same is true for my nvidia nview buttons.They work respectively don`t work in exactely the same windows.With nview however I can make them work temporarily, if I open a window and switch nview off and on again.Then it works, but as soon as I close the window and open it again it doesn`t work anymore.
I`ve reinstalled the driver, cleaned the registry etc..
Seems to be a Windows problem.
Does anybody know, how this buttons work and where the problem might be?
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> problem with Ultramon buttons

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