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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 monitor setup
Jon   2004-07-06 10:45
Ive got a couple questions about a multi monitor setup. The computer im building this summer i would like to have 3 monitors on. Ill be doing just about everything on this computer, but mainly multitasking, 3d drawing and gaming. I was planning on buying a Jaton dual vga card (PCI) and an abit 128meg single vga carda(AGP). The abit card should be able to handle most games with out a problem. My questions are...

1. Is it possible to be playing a game on the monitor that is connected to the abit card and still have the other 2 on, showing maybe a website or AIM?

2. Is it possible to have the primary monitor in the middle with the task bar and still be able to scroll on to the right monitor and the left without any crazy scrolling with the mouse?
Jon   2004-07-06 10:47
by the way if it helps Ill be running windows XP pro
ECarlson   2004-07-06 11:01
1. Depends on the game, and if you use windowed or full-screen mode.

2. Yes. You can put your monitors in any configuration (including diagonal, vertical, L patten, etc.), and adjust the monitors in Display properties to match so the mouse movement will be correct.

- Eric,
Jon   2004-07-06 11:02
Where can i Adjust that, in my current dual monitor setup im having trouble doing so.

Thanks in advance
ECarlson   2004-07-06 11:04
Display Properties/Settings. You'll see 2 monitors: Drag them into the correct positions. You can click "Identify" to see which is which.

- Eric,
Jon   2004-07-06 11:56
IT worked! thanks alot, now lets see if i can push my luck. Is it possible to do an infinite scroll, meaning if i move my mouse to the left across both monitors it shows up on the original monitor, basically looping itself around the monitors.
ECarlson   2004-07-06 12:51
Not currently. Many mouse drivers have (or used to have) a wrap-around setting that works with one monitor. I found an IBM mouse driver that still showed the setting with dual monitors, but when I turned it on, the mouse only wrapped around the primary screen, so there was no way to get the mouse to the secondary monitor. There was a thread here on that topic a while back.

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 monitor setup

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