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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 1 card conect 4 or more monitor or 4 cards conect 4 monitors ?
Afonso   2004-07-07 00:42
What do you think it's better conect 4 or more monitors to 4 or more video cards (each monitor to each card) or 1 card conect to 4 or more monitors ? I'm not talking about money, just the best.

Thank you
ECarlson   2004-07-07 09:45
Best for what?

- Eric,
Afonso   2004-07-08 02:21
I'm sorry. My objective is to run 4 dvd/mpeg videos at the same time, each one in a lcd monitor.
What do you think is best, colorgraphic xentera gt4, xentera gt8, matrox qid, qid pro or other, or intall 4 normal cards each card for one monitor ?

Thank you,
ECarlson   2004-07-08 13:12
I'm not sure, but most ordinary mid-grade cards these days have dual outs, so you could probably use 2 regular cards. If you're running DVI, you'll need 4 DVI outputs. You'll also need an app that can run 4 instances, and works well with multiple monitors. You'll also need to make sure all 4 outs can support video overlay (or play video well without overlay). What Res do you plan to run on each monitor?

What about sound?

What OS do you plan to use?

- Eric,
Afonso   2004-07-08 20:27
I'm going to use windows XP and or linux, and i'm thinking in using 4 sound cards. My problem is if matrox qid or colorgraphic xentera GT 4 or GT8 are able to run 4dvd/mpeg video at same time and what quality i'm going to get ? The resolution of the image... i don't know but i think that's no problem, maybe 1152x864 or 1024x768, i don't know it depends of the monitor.

Thank you


ECarlson   2004-07-09 11:18
I'm not sure if you can run seperate sounds out of seperate sound cards. I haven't heard anything about using more than one sound card.

One option, if you don't mind mono sound, would to use a 4-channel (or more) sound card, and somehow output each sound to one of the 4 channels. I'm still not sure if that can be done.

Maybe you could use 4 USB sound cards, but I still don't know if you can use more than 1 at a time.

I'll be interested to hear how you finally get everything working. I'm sure it will be a learning experience.

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 1 card conect 4 or more monitor or 4 cards conect 4 monitors ?

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