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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 monitors- primary doesn't wake up after screensave/boot
Angus   2004-07-07 19:17
Hi all,

I managed to fry my Radeon card and just replaced it with a Leadtek Winfast. My problem now is that my primary monitor with this card does not wake on boot or after coming off screen save. The only way I can see this monitor is going into display properties and shuffling the monitors around to activate it. This has become a tad annoying.

My spec is:

Primary AGP: Winfast A360, Nvida GeForceFX7500 chip
2nd PCI: 3D Prophet 4000XT, PowerVR Kyro chip
3rd PCI: 3D Prophet 4000XT, PowerVR Kyro chip
Mother: ASUS P4T533-C
- Winfast is primary AGP in BIOS settings
- latest drivers installed

I have re-installed the cards several times and in different order. I have also tried Ultra Mon and Nvidia's desktop manager to no avail as well as rolling back the drivers on all cards. No luck.
I'm stumped as the Hercules cards worked great with the Radeon 9700.

Has anyone had a similar problem with perhaps another combination of cards and can help?

Thanks in advance
Angus   2004-07-07 20:05
Never mind... fixed it with a hammer.

just kidding... managed to get this to work by doing a clean windows install.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 monitors- primary doesn't wake up after screensave/boot

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