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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Problem switching between windows using taskbar
Tb2   2004-07-11 15:06
Hello All,

I am hoping someone else has experienced a similar problem and can provide some insight. First let me describe my setup: ATI Radeon 9500 Pro using 2 monitors, 21" Viewsonic as primary & 15" Sony LCD as secondary. Using official Catalyst 4.7 and Ultramon 2.5. This is a new problem that has surfaced in the last few weeks and never used to be an issue.

Often when I click on an application in the taskbar to switch to that that window is not displayed on top; I have to either minimize the other window on top or alt+tab to the window I need to view. Other related "bugs" have surfaced all related to switching to or the selection of the "active" window. Anyone else getting this? Problem with ATI driver 4.7? Problem with UntraMon? Any clue why this is happening or how to fix it would be MUCH appreciated as it is becoming very frustrating. Thanks in advance for any replies! :)
Christian Studer   2004-07-12 07:06
To check if this is related to UltraMon, close UltraMon (UltraMon menu > Close), then try if you still have the same problem when activating tasks on the Windows taskbar.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Problem switching between windows using taskbar

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