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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> DirectX --> Dual display.
Zheng   2004-07-12 01:08
Hey guys,

What happens if you have a full screen directx game running on dual monitors? Can I use the second monitor to keep displaying my desktop with like ICQ and informational applications?
boxface   2004-07-15 22:01
The 2nd monitor will be resized to the resolution of the game, so if you play the game on the same res as your desktop your computer will not resize the 2nd monitor. If you want to click on ICQ, it would act as if you Alt+tabbed to ICQ so the directx game would minimise.
ph0ck   2004-07-19 04:01
uhhmm... some question here: can i somehow configure the second monitor to _NOT_ resize? never ever? i want it to just stay exactly as it is no matter what i'm doing on the main monitor :0

... thx in advance
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> DirectX --> Dual display.

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