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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 1 AGP and 2 PCI cards --- don't work?
Jeff   2004-07-12 05:53
I have a machine I'm trying to get three monitors working on. I have 1 AGP card and 2 PCI cards but for some reason I can only get 2 screens to run at once. I know all the cards are functioning. I can get the AGP card to work with either of the PCI cards but not all three at once. When they are all plugged in their all found in device manager but one of the PCI cards will always get a exclamation point. Anyone know why?
Christian Studer   2004-07-12 07:03
If the device manager shows a code 10 error, most likely both PCI cards need to be primary in BIOS in order to work. You would need to replace one of the PCI cards.

You could also try if moving one of the PCI cards to a different slot fixes the problem.

Christian Studer -
Neil   2004-07-23 01:16

I've had this working but it can be unreliable. The heart of the problem is as Christian says, both cards what to be primary. Unfourtunatly you don't say what cards your trying to use...

So, my advice, if you've got two old ATI cards, give up. If you've got ATI and nVidia, stick the ATI card in a slot below the nVida card (below=further away from AGP slot).

With this setup the ATI should always get to be master and since the nVidia cards seem to cope better with not being master this should work.

If it doesn't...
The only thing I've found to work (reliably) once a card starts going code 10 is to reinstall windows. You have to install on a single card. Wait a day or two (a few reboots) add a second card, wait then add the final card.

Once it does all work, don't reboot unless you have to as every reboot brings the chance of a code 10.

Also, once it's working, don't update the drivers on the PCI cards. The Microsoft drivers seem more reliable for this kind of thing (at a performance price of course).

Remember, YMMV.

And one last not, if this sounds like a pain in the neck, it is, I cracked after 6 months and went and bought a new card with dual outputs. 3 monitors from 2 card is sooooo much easier.

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 1 AGP and 2 PCI cards --- don't work?

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