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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Lock Mouse to Screen
SeT   2004-07-13 03:38
I'm currently transitioning to a dual monitor setup and have a question for those of you who have been using one for a while:

My main monitor is a Dell 2001FP (right) w/ a Philips 170w4 (left) as my secondary. Logically, I'd want to have the secondary monitor conifig'ed as a leftward extension of the primary. The problem w/ that config is that when make a move for the start button or left aligned icons on the primary, I can't just wildly slap the mouse to the lower left, as it ends up on the wrong display. So I currently have the secondary monitor extended to the right even tho it's physically on the left. ;)

You get the picture. So, I know there is a feature in Ultramon to lock the mouse to a given display, but it must be activated by a key combo. If I had a mouse w/ a plethora of buttons, I could devise a macro to toggle the mouse location _and_ lock it to that screen, but alas, I don't have one of those uber mice. I might also be able to accomplish this macro using some mouse gesturing app, but I'm not quite ready to go there either.

So, is there another app, or perhaps something I'm missing in Ultramon that would keep the mouse locked to whatever screen it's on until some action takes place like:

- bumping the screen edge for x duration
- pushing mouse to screen edge and clicking some mouse button

ECarlson   2004-07-13 12:19
Why do you need to wildly slap the mouse? I have my secondary monitor on the left - both at work and at home - and never have any issues with mouse movement.

- Eric,
SeT   2004-07-13 14:21
I'm a mousochist, i guess. ho ho.

It's that whole Fitt's law thing. I don't want to have to pay attention to the mouse when I'm going for the start menu or desktop icons at the lower right of the primary display.

For that reason, I've got the secondary display aligned at the lower right of the primary. I'm able to quickly jump to the upper left and upper right of the primary display to access menus and title bar buttons.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Lock Mouse to Screen

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