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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Windows Key + M (Minimize all windows) does not work
Matthew Doucette   2004-07-16 03:12
This is a feature request:

The Windows shortcut "Windows Key + M", which minimizes all windows, does not work with Ultramon's taskbar. It only minimizes windows found in Windows' taskbar, not Ultramon's taskbar.

The more common Windows shortcut "Windows Key + D", which shows desktop, *does* work with Ultramon's taskbar. You may then wonder what the point is of "Windows Key + M", but there can be instances in which you want to minimize a lot of windows, not just see the desktop.

For your information, "Windows Key + D" is much different than "Windows Key + M" as pressing "Windows Key + D" again will bring all the windows back up as they once were. It does *not* minimize them, if that is what you wish for.
Matthew Doucette   2004-07-16 04:52

Raymond Chen's blog has an article that better describes the two commands I wrote of above:

What is the difference between Minimize All and Show Desktop?
Matthew Doucette   2004-07-16 04:53
Christian Studer   2004-07-16 06:50
I'll look into this for UltraMon 3, might have to be done via a custom UltraMon hotkey instead of the standard WIN+M though.

UltraMon did support WIN+M on XP at some time, but support for this was removed because it caused problems for WIN+D.

Christian Studer -
Matthew Doucette   2004-07-17 15:46
Strange. Just out of curiousity, if you have the time, can you explain why that happened?
Christian Studer   2004-07-18 00:50
I don't remember the details, but handling WIN+M caused problems when trying to restore windows by pressing WIN+D a second time.

Christian Studer -
Andy Barcus   2011-05-25 02:01
Chiming in on the feature request for Windows+M to minimize the windows that are on UltraMon toolbars: I will start to use Windows+D when I want to see the wallpaper or the desktop icons, but I would love for Windows+M to work on all the open windows as well.

If there is a Windows limitation that prevents UltraMon from receiving notification that Win+M was pressed, a user definable hotkey would be almost as good. (Minimize all windows is not currently in the list of hot key functions)
Christian Studer   2011-05-25 08:18
UltraMon's Show Desktop hotkeys basically work the same way as WIN+M, the show desktop actions are near the bottom of the list under UltraMon Options > Hotkeys.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Windows Key + M (Minimize all windows) does not work

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