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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Activation f**kup!!!!!
Greg Purkis   2001-04-04 22:45
I'me using a Hercules 3D Prophet 2 GTS 32MB as my primary AGP card and a Pine TNT2 Vanta chipset as my secondary card. I've installed drivers for the both of them and everything looks fine in the Device mangager.

My problem occurs when i go to enable the second monitor....I check the box which says extend the desktop and click on apply and suddenly my checked box changes to an unchecked box......Same happens if i try to drag the monitor.....It prompts me to activate #2 Monitor....I accept this and the box is checked again but if i click OK or Apply then the checked box just dissapears.

What the hells going on....I really need some help sorting this out as ive done everything that i can think of.

P.S. BIOS is set to boot up on PCI....Everything works and it activates the AGP card and primary display swaps over but the second monitor is just left showing the starting up screen until i reboot. Very strange.
Greg Purkis   2001-04-05 22:19
Well thanks for all the ideas guys....problems sorted anyway now. Turned out to be a driver issue.

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Activation f**kup!!!!!

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