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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dell Inspiron 5150 S Video to TV with GeForce 5200 card
Sam   2004-07-21 21:19
I bought an S-video cable to connect my laptop to the TV, I thought it would be a simple plug&play job but when I turn the computer on as it's connected to the TV it goes to the XP log-in screen, I log in then the image on the laptop screen vanished to black. Meanwhile, all that shows on the TV is a red fuzz, no computer display at all. I can't configure the laptop as I can't get a display and have to turn off the computer and disconnect it to get it to come back. I have a Sony TV. My laptop is also set up for multiple monitors and I use a GeForce 5200 card but can't find the TV section that the handbook assures me is there in the menu. Can anyone offer any advice?

Dave   2004-07-26 09:30
You're probably aware you'll never get much of a computer image on a TV due to its inherently low resolution (even with S-video). Not knowing what you actually want to do with the system I'm not sure if that's going to be a problem - I've only ever used TV/video outs for cloning screen output. From the sound of it you're using the external SVGA as a second display and not a clone. Have you tried clone configurations? Also downloading the reference drivers from the nVidia web-site might provide you with some more controls?
Dave   2004-07-26 09:36
I think I'll reply to myself. I've grown to suspect my problem might not have anything to do with XP's support of different types of hardware acceleration using multiple monitors per se, but rather that I'm using a Cornerstone ImageAccel 4 PCI for my secondary (BIOS primary) screen as if it's an ATI Rage Pro Turbo PCI. Cornerstone evidently modified ATI's equivalent boards - max resolution is 1800x1440 instead of 1600x1200. This might perhaps be leading to some timing problems due to failing assumptions relating to the Cornerstone board architecture?
Dave   2004-07-26 09:39
Sorry - MDI browser window mix-up. My reply to myself ended up as a replying to the wrong one of my recent posts... more caffeine required.
Sam   2004-07-29 01:12
I've got a friend coming round who works for a bank setting up/fixing servers etc. who is confident he can sort it out. I am suspecting that I need to take it off multiple monitors to get the TV tab in the Nvida setup to appear. As for quality, it's not really an issue as I only want it to watch region 1 DVD't that I have. My TV doesn't like NTSC (Sony for you!) so it won't play Region 1 stuff in colour. I'm sure the problem is quite simple but I am not as adept as most at setting up my PC. I do a lot of work on it in design and photo editing software but I'm still learning about set up.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dell Inspiron 5150 S Video to TV with GeForce 5200 card

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