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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> MS Access and Multiple Monitors
John Masland   2004-07-26 01:27
While a bit off topic,this is an issue that has perplexed me thru several versions of Access since I began using multiple monitors....after finding Ultra Mon 1x! It's also one which hasn't eleicited much interest with MS or the various Access forums I visit.

I can spread the entire Access desktop across the multiple monitors, or reduce it to one monitor.

I can move the various toolboxes among monitors, which really cleans up the main desktop...such as one can do with Dreamweaver, Fireworks, and Photo Shop.

What I can't do is to take a window of any object instantiated from the database container, such as a form, report, etc., in either design or display mode, and move that object to another monitor.

While not a show stopper, it would be nice to be able to move open design windows to other monitors...making cut and paste, and other similar operations, much easier.

Has anyone else seen this behavior and/or discovered a correction?


Christian Studer   2004-07-26 03:25
That should work fine, just make sure that the windows aren't maximized, you can then move them to different monitors if the main Access window is maximized to the desktop.

The Smart Taskbar also supports this, the task buttons for the windows will show up on the monitor they're on.

Christian Studer -
John Masland   2004-07-26 22:05

Thanks for the reply. I know if I maximise Acess across the monitors I can move the various windows and toolboxes across the monitors, but that, in my view, seems to defeat the purpoose of the multiple monitors.

In the above situation I simply have one large Access desktop, i.e. one monitor.

What I'd like to be able to do is what I can do with Dreamweaver, Fireworks, etc. Have the main work space on one monitor and the various toolbox and design clutter on another.

With Access I can't move any design Window, i.e., forms, reports, to the other monitor...they simply can't be slid across to the other monitor.

Seems to be an intentional design feature of Access, in any flavor I've used with multiple monitors...2000, 2002, 2003.

Oh well, so be it.


ECarlson   2004-07-27 10:50
Same experience for me with Access 97 and 2000. Access doesn't let you break off subwindows.

And Access 97 has other issues with multiple monitors, like some drop-down menues always show up on the primary monitor, and you can't double-click in file-select boxes on the secondary monitor.

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> MS Access and Multiple Monitors

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