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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Force a window to open on one of the dual monitors.
Michael Oswald   2004-07-26 18:15
Is there any way (via registry or otherwise) to force a program to come up on a specific monitor if you have more than one display? I have some medical software which has multiple windows when it starts up. I would like to be able to force certain windows to open on one monitor and the others to open on the other monitor.

Any help is much appreciated.

Mike Oswald
SeT   2004-08-02 05:12
I've used a program called Zmover for years now and it works great for me. Will move, resize, and set the state (max, min, restore, center, etc.) for a defined set of windows. google for basta computing zmover.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Force a window to open on one of the dual monitors.

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