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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Having Monitors side by side bad??
catral   2001-04-06 06:42
Hi! Well, the topic says it all. Is it bad to have 2 monitors right beside each other?? I mean, with the magnets and all? A friend of mine says its bad but you guys have more knowledge and experience to answer this! =)
Winger300   2001-04-07 06:10
If you find that there arent any visual side effects then this shouldnt be a problem at all.

If however you see rolling bars or flickering due to the monitors being too close then you should move them apart as this isnt so good, i doubt it would ever damage the monitors, but it doesnt look nice.

Personally i have two 17" Trinitron monitors touching side by side and a 14" monitor about a foot away from them, as this one causes problems.
dsmylie   2001-04-07 15:53
A piece of sheet metal placed vertically between the two monitors solved the problem for me. You may not have to look too far. I used the sides of my case to separate three monitors. And, the CPU runs cooler.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Having Monitors side by side bad??

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