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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> SLI Nvidia 3 display config for gaming
xoff   2004-07-27 19:27
Hi there,

As a flight sim fan I am looking for a solution on how to get a 3 head display in IL2 turmovik. Actually the game is able to handle res such as 3 x 1024x768.

Matrox Parhelia or G750 are crap for these kind of games and a 2 card (agp + pci) solution doesn't work fine. The game locks up onto one card but not both at the same time.

I was wondering if SLI Nvidia new tech could rock to get such kind of config ?

In fact the goal is to get a good 3D performance multi monitor solution.

Ideas and suggestions are welcome...
Best regards

xoff   2004-07-29 17:10
Hi there
Nobody no idea no reply ? :(((
No web link or test abgout sli Nvidi&a multimonitor capabilities ?

0ctane   2004-07-29 23:07
AFAIK, the Nvidia SLI cards are not yet available. Plus, they need to run on PCI-express motherboards. Not too many people have this configuration yet.
Quibble   2004-07-29 23:10
wait for PCX to completley come out and then use alien ware's vid card array and it should be sweet

Nou ani anquietas
Acoloss   2004-08-16 05:43
I don't see a reason why with decent drivers, you wouldn't be able to use 2x SLi 6800 and spread the load over 3 monitors... that would be amazing
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> SLI Nvidia 3 display config for gaming

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