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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> TV shows desktop etc but no video?
floor_pie   2004-07-30 00:32
The TV out on my geforce2 mx440 works fine except when playing a video. Where the video is seen to playing on the monitor, the TV just shows black. Everything else appears fine on the TV. help??
Matsurosuka   2004-07-30 22:53
try setting the TV as your Primary Monitor
Kyle   2004-08-02 08:57
It does that because some material is copyrighted and they designed WMP to make it harder to pirate movies and videos. Like if you try to put a DVD program on your TV it wont work either. They made it that way so you cant just hook a VCR to the line out and record whatever is being played.
Robert Bares   2004-08-10 21:37
Im inclined to disaggree with that comment. This also occurs in Winamp and is down to the methodology used to output the image to the display. On many dual-monitor setups one monitor will have higher capabilities than other monitors.

e.g. primary monitor has Direct3D enabled while secondary does not (& can not).

Because of this there are often cases where you can start playing a video, put the window half-way between both displays and see the video on one monitor but not the other (instead seeing just black). Sometimes display driver updates can fix this.

Most codecs function through overlays which if I remember correctly are DirectDraw or similar, so that is the cause.

Robert Bares
starryskyn   2004-08-13 17:19
My TV is hooked thru a Maddog Conquerer 5200 Plus PCI card's video out line to a video input on a VHS recorder.
A Hauppage card is capturing video from the cable TV coax input and showing it on the computer's monitor, and in a window or by full screen option on the TV.
Just an odd way to watch TV, I guess.

G. P.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> TV shows desktop etc but no video?

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