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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Can you switch primary monitors when using laptop?
SkyGT   2004-08-03 02:54
I'm using the local laptop panel as one of my monitors and I'm just wondering is there a way to switch so the primary is the external display? The option on UltraMon's menu is disabled but I'm wondering if there's some other way to make this work? TIA...

SkyGT   2004-08-03 03:07
Actually I just figured out the work-around I needed for this. The main thing is I was trying to get my Start button/Quick Launch/Task Bar/System Tray all on my secondary "big" monitor and off the laptop panel.

Well turns out with UltraMon I was simply able to drag the whole thing from one to the other! Maybe this will help anyone else who runs into this problem...

bxf   2004-08-05 02:31
Well, I have the same question - more or less.

I have a laptop that uses an onboard Intel graphics card that supports multiple monitors. In addition to the Win XP Home (Portuguese) that the laptop came with, I installed XP Pro (English), and updated to the latest drivers from Intel.

Now, when I boot Home, the external monitor is showing as Primary. When I boot Pro, it is the laptop display that is Primary. I am unable to alter this setup regardless of what settings I change (believe me, I've tried "all", even registry changes).

So, quite apart from the question of how do I make my external monitor Primary on my XP Pro system, I cannot help but wonder what is causing the external to come up as Primary in my XP Home. Surely not the BIOS, as it is the same for both systems.

FWIW, I get the same symptoms regardless of which driver version I have installed on XP Pro, including the one that is used in the Home system.

Any ideas would be appreciated.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Can you switch primary monitors when using laptop?

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