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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 4 monitors, 2 in one room 2 in another, possible??
Michael   2004-08-04 06:51
Hi, i've just started looking at multimonitor systems and all i can find is reasources for a single workstation setup.

Does anyone know how to setup a system with 4 monitors at 2 different locations (2 at each)
this would require actively switching the main monitor...I think, is this possible?
ECarlson   2004-08-04 14:06
You can probably run 2 USB keyboards and 2 USB mice on the same system, but I'm not sure how you would switch or split the video. There's probably a way if the distance is not far.

- Eric,
Michael   2004-08-04 17:47
I looked into this ultramon thing on this site and it seems it's mirroring function could do exactly wat i need, given two dual head card

pCe, Mike
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 4 monitors, 2 in one room 2 in another, possible??

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