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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> mirror flat panel and tv on XP and Nvidia TI4600
chris   2004-08-05 09:22
hello everyone

i want to completely mirror my desktop image onto my tv. my flatpanel is 1280x1024. my tv can only do 800x600. the latest nvidia driver will allow mirroring (cloning nvidia calls it)... but only with the same resolutions. it makes the tv display "pan" around the desktop. i am not really interested in all the other functions... as i mainly want to mirror with different resolutions, but dont want to pay the $$ without first knowing if ultrmon can really do this. i plan to use the pc for media center functionality so i dont want to loose to much power.

the system is an athlon XP2000 with 1gb ram. the video card is nvidia ti 4600 w/ 128mb ram.

i will settle for 1024x768 on the flat panel if this helps my cause.

thanks everyone
Christian Studer   2004-08-06 06:17
UltraMon can do this, but you should check if performance and image quality are sufficient for your needs. You can download a trial version here.

Please note that mirroring videos usually doesn't work. You would need to disable video overlays (under UltraMon mirroring options), but DVD players usually don't work if video overlays are disabled.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> mirror flat panel and tv on XP and Nvidia TI4600

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