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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual monitor card recommendation
Michael   2004-08-09 00:59
Hi all,

I am working on a project whose details I have listed below. I would appreciate if I can get any suggestions/recommendations on the kind of dual monitor v-card i would need.

The project involves a touch screen monitor (Planar 12" PT120) and a regular CRT. The application requires that the CRT be used by an admin and also has control over the mouse and keyboard while the touch screen will be used by users/customers to fill out surveys. Both the monitors will have their backs against each other to prevent the admin from seeing the survey on the touch screen. We need the admin to be able to set up a new survey each time there is a new customer. When the survey is setup by the admin using the console on the CRT the touch screen would then display a new survey.

Which video card would best fit the above situation. And how would i be able to set up the system such that the admin can only use the Mouse & Keyboard and not interfere with the touch screen. Are there any special modes, if any?

P.S. I apologise if this is the wrong thread.

Thanks for the help,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual monitor card recommendation

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