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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> How to change which monitor XP thinks is the default?
Richard Davey   2004-08-09 04:34
I have an NVIDIA 6800 GT card with two iiyama monitors connected to it. One is a Vision Master Pro 454 (CRT) and one is a ProLite E430 (LCD). They work perfectly and using my registered copy of UltraMon I'm very happy with the dual-mode set-up, however XP recognises the CRT monitor as being the SECOND display on my PC and the LCD as being the first. They are not in this arrangement, they are the other way around. I want my CRT to be my Primary monitor (1). Does anyone know how to reverse this situation?

I am not talking about the physical location of the monitors - I know how to drag them into their correct order so that the mouse moves properly, etc - but I want the CRT recognised as Display 1 because there are a number of games (Doom3 being one) that cannot handle having an NVIDIA dual-head display when the Primary monitor isn't #1.

There is no (obvious) section in UltaMon or the Display Settings to change this, any ideas?


Seahorse   2004-08-09 10:02
Have you had a look at your BIOS settings to see which is allocated priority?

Rgds Mike
- Deep Sea Daddies...
ECarlson   2004-08-09 13:01
Can't you just select "make this monitor primary". It usually works for me.

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> How to change which monitor XP thinks is the default?

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