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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Gaming with 3 monitors
Kyle   2004-08-10 14:11
Ok, I have agp Geforce fx5200 128 mb, and a pci Geforce fx5200. Can I use all three while gaming.
Barton   2004-08-11 10:00
Maybe?....depends on the game.
Kyle   2004-08-12 21:21
The game is ballistics and from other sites I have seen that it is compatible. I just havent been able to get any game to work with all three.
Games I own:
Alien vs predator 2 + exp.
Unreal tournament 2k4
quake 3
midnight club 2

Most of those are compatible with multiple monitors it's just when I try the configuration for them they don't work.
Seahorse   2004-08-13 20:39
Right Click on the desktop, select properties, Settings tab, Advanced button, GForce tab, nView display mode on the pop-out menu, select 'Horizontal Span' in the nView Modes list box, Apply, OK.

Run relevant game, select the appropriate screen mode in the games graphic settings - you get stuff like 1024 x 1536 now (two monitors) 1024 x 2304 etc.


Dead-Fish.Com Soft Deep sea Daddies...
Kyle   2004-08-16 19:48
I tried what you said and it isn't allowing all three monitors for horizontal span. I got it working using only 2 monitors with horiztonal span, now how can I get the third in there? Thanks for the progress you have given me so far.
Kyle   2004-08-16 20:25
I read on one of the articles here that you can't use nView span or clone view using 2 or more video cards. Is there a way that I could do that using something else other than nvidia software?
Kyle   2004-08-26 00:11
Does anyone know what I could use for gaming with my 2 video cards?
Seahorse   2004-08-26 05:37
Hmmm. I know it can be done, but I am currently running a 2 monitor setup. I have the 3rd monitor, but I have to wait until payday to add the PCI 5200.

Have a look at this page for assistance. There does seem to be some confusion over the matter, ie nVidi say you can't.

Seeing as I have seen it with my own eyes at a LAN Party I guess more research is required...

Dead-Fish, deep sea Daddies...
Kyle   2004-08-26 23:47
I'm at school right now, so I can't check out the planetquake link. But I read the Nvidia page and seems right. =/ What resolution were you running Quake 3 on your multimonitor system? Right now this is my current setup.
If you see anything else wrong in this picture please tell me.
Seahorse   2004-08-27 11:02
Give this a whirl...

How to configure Surround Gaming for Quake 3 Arena:

1) Go to Quake 3 directory
2) Go to \baseq3 subdirectory
3) Edit file 'q3config.cfg' (use Wordpad)
4) Find line 'seta r_customwidth', set to "2400"
5) Find line 'seta r_customheight', set to "600"
6) Find the line 'seta r_mode' set to "-1"
7) Find line 'seta cg_fov', set to "143" - if this line is not present, add 'seta cg_fov "143"' to the end of the file.
8) Run game (HUD should now be only displaying on central screen).

Note: Do not change resolution in-game, or these changes will have to be repeated.

Dead-Fish.Com Soft Deep sea Daddies...
Kyle   2004-08-31 18:35
I don't know the exact message that should be copied and pasted in here so I just got it all.

Q3 1.32 win-x86 Oct 7 2002
----- FS_Startup -----
Current search path:
D:\Programs\Quake 3 Arena\Quake3\baseq3\pak8.pk3 (9 files)
D:\Programs\Quake 3 Arena\Quake3\baseq3\pak7.pk3 (4 files)
D:\Programs\Quake 3 Arena\Quake3\baseq3\PAK6.PK3 (64 files)
D:\Programs\Quake 3 Arena\Quake3\baseq3\PAK5.PK3 (7 files)
D:\Programs\Quake 3 Arena\Quake3\baseq3\PAK4.PK3 (272 files)
D:\Programs\Quake 3 Arena\Quake3\baseq3\PAK3.PK3 (4 files)
D:\Programs\Quake 3 Arena\Quake3\baseq3\PAK2.PK3 (148 files)
D:\Programs\Quake 3 Arena\Quake3\baseq3\PAK1.PK3 (26 files)
D:\Programs\Quake 3 Arena\Quake3\baseq3\PAK0.PK3 (3539 files)
D:\Programs\Quake 3 Arena\Quake3/baseq3

4073 files in pk3 files
execing default.cfg
execing q3config.cfg
couldn't exec autoexec.cfg
Hunk_Clear: reset the hunk ok
...detecting CPU, found Intel Pentium III

------- Input Initialization -------
No window for DirectInput mouse init, delaying
Joystick is not active.
----- Client Initialization -----
----- Initializing Renderer ----
----- Client Initialization Complete -----
----- R_Init -----
Initializing OpenGL subsystem
...initializing QGL
...calling LoadLibrary( 'C:\WINDOWS\System32\opengl32.dll' ): succeeded
...setting mode -1: 2400 600 FS
...using colorsbits of 32
...calling CDS: failed, bad mode
...trying next higher resolution: failed, bad mode
...restoring display settings
...registered window class
...created window@3,22 (2406x625)
Initializing OpenGL driver
...getting DC: succeeded
...GLW_ChoosePFD( 32, 24, 8 )
...98 PFDs found
...hardware acceleration found
...PIXELFORMAT 6 selected
...creating GL context: succeeded
...making context current: succeeded
...WARNING: fullscreen unavailable in this mode
...setting mode -1: 2400 600 FS
...using colorsbits of 16
...calling CDS: failed, bad mode
...trying next higher resolution: failed, bad mode
...restoring display settings
...window already present, CreateWindowEx skipped
Initializing OpenGL driver
...WARNING: fullscreen unavailable in this mode
...shutting down QGL
...unloading OpenGL DLL
...assuming '3dfxvgl' is a standalone driver
...initializing QGL
...WARNING: missing Glide installation, assuming no 3Dfx available
...shutting down QGL
----- CL_Shutdown -----
RE_Shutdown( 1 )
GLW_StartOpenGL() - could not load OpenGL subsystem

That is the error screen it brought up after I tried editing the q3config file.
Seahorse   2004-09-01 06:45
you are basicically editing the parameters contained in lines 4 to 7 the remainer is the description of where they are...

Dead-Fish.Com Soft Deep sea Daddies...
Kyle   2004-09-01 09:53
I just want it to work, is that so much to ask? :(
Seahorse   2004-09-10 05:13
Found this in another thread -

I finally got surround gaming to work on my system. So far I can now run these games in windowed mode accross 3 monitors:

quake 3 arena
jedi knight outcast
call of duty
return to castle wolfenstien

After several attempts it was worth the wait.
my computer config is no.6019 in the gallery
I have to turn monitor resolution as low as my monitors will go (800x600) the 2 outer monitors tend to fall behind at higher resolutions.And use the game config settings from the matrix site with the exception of using 2400x600 window settings so it fills my screen. to tweak the window I turn on the console (which gives me the win cursor for window adjustment).
LET THE GAMES BEGIN...............

Jeff Bigger

Dead-Fish.Com Soft Deep sea Daddies...
jeff bigger   2004-09-10 11:14
I noticed my post on the successful 3 monitor gaming copied here.

I havent been here for a while, but I am able to play some games accross all three monitors. they run too slow without turning resolution and graphic settings all the way down, and even then
enemy territory was unplayable. unreal tournament played the best (almost no slow down at all)

if it will help, I started figuring it out here
its under the "links" to the left.

it deals with editing the config files (cfg./.ini in the game folder)of certain games which uses opengl and has "windowed mode"

quake 3 arena
return to castle wolfenstien
enemy teritory
jedi knight
call of duty
unreal tournament 2003

If you need any more help I know how it can be done. I'll check back to see how you made out. personnally, I gave up on playing this way.I would rather play a new game like doom3 at full graphics on one monitor than an older game accross 3 @ 600x480 and all the graphic options turned off.(and they still lagggg'd). I'm hoping pci-express will make it what i dreamt it would be.
Kyle   2004-09-13 00:06
I hope with the technology here doing load balancing between 2 nvidia 6800's will work with 2 monitors, but I doubt it. Here is a link more on it.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Gaming with 3 monitors

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