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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> ATI radeon 9600 series with 2 monitors + 1 HDTV wont work
Jiggeedoo   2004-08-14 16:10
I have a ATI Radeon 9600 series connected to 2 NEC 1760V monitors and also to a HDTV using a S-Video cable . I use ATI Hydravison program to select witch video mon. get's what ,, well my problem is i CANT have all 3 working at the same time ,, if i view a movie on mon 2 and switch to TV i loose my pic on mon 2 ,,

What am i doing wrong ?? HELP thank you

prawns   2004-08-15 08:13
u can run 2 screens at once, thats it sorry
Jiggeedoo   2004-08-20 00:03
are we saying that if i want to see a pic on my 2 monitors and my TV i have to change my video card ?? or do they make such an animal ??

prawns   2004-08-26 08:20
your ati card supports 2 screens at once, nomore than that at one time.

suggest u install a cheap pci card to run one of your NEC screens, leaving your ati card to run the other NEC screen and your HDTV full time
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> ATI radeon 9600 series with 2 monitors + 1 HDTV wont work

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