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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Using a rubbish second card
Ben   2004-08-17 14:22
I've had a good search around but can't find a concrete answer...
I'm running 2 displays off a fairly decent AGP dual head card, but want to upgrade to an extra monitor using a new PCI card. Can I buy an old 4mb card from ebay or will this drag down my existing performance. When it comes to gaming, I only use the primary display on the AGP card, so the rubbish PCI card would just be handling general windows apps.
ECarlson   2004-08-25 09:50
The old 4.Meg card should work okay, and shouldn't have any effect on the other card's performance, but you might have to set it to primary in BIOS. I'd recommend getting a cheap 32.Meg Nvidia card instead of a really cheap 4.Meg card, since the NVidia cards seem to work well along with other cards, and often don't even need to be set as primary in BIOS.

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Using a rubbish second card

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