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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual head 9600 will only display on on monitor at a time
James H   2004-08-25 07:04
I thing I'm doing something silly but I'm not sure. Card is a saphire radeon 9600 with a VGA and DVI output. A projector is on the VGA and an LCD on the DVI.

I had it working in dual monitor mode but at one point I disconnected the LCD. Projector continued to work fine on its own but now I want to hook up the LCD again. When I boot, the VGA (projector) works but as soon as I (re)-plug in the DVI, the projector shuts off and the DVI turns on. The DVI then comes up as the primary display and the VGA is fuzzy. If I unplug the DVI, the VGA turns back on as the primary display. I've tried combos of the VGA being primary or the DVI primary but it is consistent. It will only display on one or the other but not both.

I've tried to 'extend desktop" to the second monitor but it won't take. What am I missing? Any help is appreciated.

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual head 9600 will only display on on monitor at a time

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