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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> I'm stuck, matrox g550 with nvidia geforce2 mx
Raphael Freeman   2004-08-25 13:01
I have a 3 monitor setup and I used to have it working very nicely with an agp g450 and my pci nvidia card.

I replaced the g450 with a g550 and also reformatted my computer (long story).

I can't seem to get the nvidia to display more than 4 colours at 800x600. I have changed the BIOS to reboot with PCI in the video settings (without that the display simply won't boot) and have moved the nvidia card to a different slot but no avail.

I have even tried different versions of the drivers including the one that I had installed earlier.

Any suggestions?

Raphael Freeman   2004-08-26 18:25
update: I moved back to using the G450, deleted all the matrox drivers and let Windows XP sp2 find the card. This works now. However, if I try and install matrox's driver again it won't work.

I gave up trying to get the g550 to work with the nvidia. Perhaps complete lack of compatibility here?

Raphael Freeman   2004-08-26 18:26
oh an one more thing... I had to set the bios to PCI although before the machine had worked with AGP and of course matrox's software... good job I use UltraMon!

geoff   2004-08-28 11:47
I have exactly the same problem with one of the new Matrox G550 dual digital output AGP boards & a Leadtek WINFAST A340 (Nvidia 5200) PCI board.

Have tried booting with the PCI board as primary but no luck.

Have also tried installing one board at a time, configuring the system, the installing the other board after a reboot.

The Matrox desktop manager will only show the Leadtek connected system at 800x600 4 bit colour at max.

If I use the Nvidia desktop manager, then try to install the matrox board, the system won't let me install the MATROX drivers.

Any suggestions gratefully received.
geoff   2004-08-31 15:45
I got it to work!!!

Setup is an AGP Matrox DVI dualhead G550 with two Samsung 172x LCD monitors & an WINFAST A340 (NV5200) dual head PCI card driving an old NEC XP21 21 inch CRT montor

How many of these steps are relevant or not I don't know, but this is what I did.

1. Wiped the existing version of XP. When I first installed the PCI A340 (NV5200), I used the installation CD. I presume this left various drivers on WINDOWS, even after I'd uninstalled them.

2. Physically removed the PCI A340 from the PC.

3. Plugged the AGP Matrox G550 into the motherboard.

4. Set the BIOS so the system started the video board in the AGP slot

4. Reinstalled XP with Service pack 2.

5. Installed the Matrox desktop manager, drivers, etc from the Matrox installation CD. Activated dualhead.

6. Installed the two Samsung LCD monitors on the Matrox display controller.

7. Shut down.

8. Plugged in the A340 into a PCI slot.

9. Rebooted & set the BIOS to start from the PCI video board.

10. XP automatically recognised the A340 as an Nvidia 5200 & installed it's own drivers.

11. I then used Display Properties to activate the third monitor & extend the desktop onto it.

12. I then used Display Properties -> Advanced to select the third monitor type as an XP21. I had to uncheck the "Hide modes that this monitor cannot display" box to get at the settings for the NEC (higher refresh rates, etc).

Whether this has anything to do with extra default drivers for the Nvidia 5200 in SP2 of WINXP, I don't know, but I don't recall seeing them as an available option when looking for Nvidia drivers under the previous installation of XP. Anyway this time around, I didn't used any of the drivers & utilities on the A340 CD & that seemed to do the trick.

Good luck!

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> I'm stuck, matrox g550 with nvidia geforce2 mx

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