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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Win Xp Crashing
Scotty   2004-08-28 16:04

AMD XP 1250mhz
Ram 512ddr
Nvidia Fx5200 128 dual AGP
Nvidia Mx400 64meg PCI

I have had triple monitor setup running thru win2000. Now I have changed to Win XP Pro. I formatted and now it says an error occured and it being the Fx5200 causing the problem. I have tried different versions of drivers , even just trying to use the one card (fx5200) its keeps giving this error. I have removed all other hardware. It boots up to desktop and freezes then restarts, over and over. It will run the Mx400 ok on its own. I formatted again and tried fresh install, can load the 2 cards in , there is difficulty in loading drivers thou , and got as far as spanning desktop across all three monitors, but when the computer restarts , the error comes up again and freezes and restarts. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

ECarlson   2004-08-29 12:35
What SP (Service Pack) are you using on XP? And are you installing the SP before the video drivers? Also, do you have the latest BIOS installed on your motherboard?

- Eric,
Scotty   2004-08-29 19:47
Hey Eric

What ever service pack is on the winxp pro cd.I havent hook it up to the net yet. I havent tried upgrading Bios. Will give it a shot.

ECarlson   2004-08-30 10:54
Most likely there is no SP on the CD, so I would suggest first updating the BIOS, then installing either SP1 or SP2 before trying to install the video drivers.

The SP is always the first thing I install after I install a fresh OS. In fact, I've put together a Win2K install CD with Win2K-SP4 already integrated (slipstreamed) into it to make installation much simpler. You can also build a slipstreamed XP install CD with WinXP-SP1 or SP2.

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Win Xp Crashing

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