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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> S-Gaming with nvidia anyone?
Fred   2004-08-31 06:52
Has anyone got a nvidia surround gaming solution (3+ monitors on nvidia cards) working properly?
And with what games?

I read Il2 sturmovik forgotten battles had support for 3 renderers so I bought it and tried but it seems that its for matrox videocards only.
Spanning it across all screens got me loads of error.
I also tried to haxx doom3 to make it work and actually got it to run on 2400x600 resolution but well.. it wasn't satisfactory.

Anyone that got this to work? share your tips?
Any idea to press nvidia to add driver support for it later?
Mass   2004-10-05 04:56
I am attempting to see if I can do the same. I have an Nvidia GeForce 6800 ultra deluxe 256 ram. I want to integrate three monitors for IL2 Forgotten Battles as well to produce surround views (center, left horizontal and right horizontal). My system can presently accept three monitors. Please share any information you may come on to achieve this with the Nvidia card. I will pass on anything I find to assist you, as well. Good luck.

Preacha   2004-10-11 09:48
Hi Guys,
looks like we are 3 now. ;)
Just before I read this here, I posted in another Thread to get help on ths problem.
I'm not able to span over all 3 Displays. The 61.xx Detonator lets me only put 2 Screens together the third is only added like another "Dualview"Display. So I can play Vietcong for example in 2560x1024 but that only looks nice - it's impossible to aim when your Crosshair is splitted over 2 Screens...
What can we do? I google'n'google but I only find interessting Links to this page...

I'm using a GF6800AGP an a GF-FX5200 PCI Card.
Maniac   2004-10-13 13:56
there's a few other threads about this... apparently there is no way to do it as of yet. Some guy tried to hack his cards by turning them into quadro's, which he succeeded at, but nview options remained the same...

FX5950ultra with 2 screens
fx5700le with 1
Preacha   2004-10-14 04:18
I have read the Thread now and also checked out the Homepage of the Guy.

SurroundGaming - would be so cool...
p1LL   2004-11-06 05:25
Hey there,

Is there a hack to turn the 6800 Ultra into a quadro? If so can someone please please please (3x) send me the link or info? Thanks in advance

I also have had no luck getting my 6800 ultra to span 3 monitors..

I work for a company who is making 180degree animation for use on 3 projectors. would be nice to test the animation on 3 monitors...
UB   2005-01-06 04:26
I have:
a 6800 AGP
a 5200 PCI
a P4 3.2
3 22"

I play Q3, UT2K3/4, DOOM3, FS2004 in Surround Gaming and It Works perfectly

I also watch movies in span mode over my 3 monitors.

I recommend:
66.76 Nvidia drivers
Same generation PCI and AGP nvidia cards
media player classic
2 monitors on AGP card and 1 on PCI (Dualview on AGP)
multi-display performance setting in hardware acceleration setting
UB   2005-01-06 05:06
61.76 and not 66.76
Seahorse   2005-01-06 08:22
I understand all of that apart from the last line - Enable multi mon support where...?

Dead-Fish.Com Deep sea Daddies...
omy   2005-01-16 20:53
May You shoe us a guide how to do it?
j.bigger   2005-01-17 07:59
xoff   2005-01-17 21:36
Hi guys,

I have been walking around this for a while now and went finally to Matrox parhelia because no other 3D card enable IL2 FB to span across 3 monitors these days.... :( poor framerate under IL2 FP

In fact with 2 video cards (agp + pci) IL2 lock on one card and you cannot use surrounbd gaming over 3 displays with this game (bad vibes...)

I am now expecting that Nvidia SLI will allow this with 2 pcie 3D cards (6800 for example).
It seems (read it on review from Tom's Hardware) that there is a limitation due to nvidia drivers for this 3 span display.
If µNvidia allow this 3 display horizontal span , I will directly go for a dual SLI system.
I am still looking around, and if somebody got information on new Nvidia drivers plz post here I am with you all eager of such a news !
All the best
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> S-Gaming with nvidia anyone?

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