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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> ATI All-in-Wonder 9600xt
Matt Hendrickson   2004-09-01 09:24
Does anyone know if the above card will run three monitors (two with the vga cables and one tv via the s-video) natively?

My ultimate goal is to have two desktop monitors and one cloned s-vid output to the tv in the living room. I've heard conflicting reports on this card and would like some clarifiaction if anyone knows...

Matt's Blog
Robert Tang-wai   2004-09-04 17:01
Nope, only 1 monitor and 1 TV, or 2 monitors. The reason I was given by ATI is that the second DAC drives both outputs, so they can't *BOTH* be active at once. I own an AIW 9600XT myself and I had been hoping that the TV would work in theater mode with both monitors running, but natch. I ended up putting in a HIS Radeon VE 64MB PCI video card in with dual-head, so now I have 3 21" monitors and a 21" TV (and one very crowded desk). It's still damn annoying, but I figure hey I have 2 TV tuners (the mulTView picture-in-picture), why not 2 video cards too? Beware, if you go my route *DON'T* put in an Nvidia card - I tried that first and borked my machine (the drivers don't get along well). Also, don't put in a lower ATI chipset like the Rage128 (I have 2 AIW Rage128 PCI, which took a dive in performance - for the AIW functions to work it has to be the primary video card, which causes games to tank), the ATI control panel goes nuts when trying to resolve the two different drivers. Luckily the ATI Catalyst driver is like the Nvidia Detonator - it's integrated across the entire Radeon line so as long as the other card is also a Radeon it works quite well.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> ATI All-in-Wonder 9600xt

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