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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> windowed DirectX on two monitors
Howard   2004-09-03 09:17
I am having difficulty getting two different windows (displaying DirectX graphics) to display on the two monitors connected to my Radeon 9000.

The secondary monitor just shows black until I click over there. I then get one flicker (update) before it shows black again.

The primary monitor continues to display its video but I get SurfaceLost on the secondary.

Any Ideas? The program works great (but slowly) if I treat the second monitor as just an extension of the desktop.
Josh   2004-09-08 09:29
As far as I know you can't do that. Most video cards can only display video and directX content on a single monitor at a time. Not that I can explain why but it is a very common limitation of the hard ware.
Kyle   2004-09-08 09:57
With nvidia cards "Horizontal Span" seems to work fine for dual monitor gaming. I don't know what it is called for ATI but for Nvidia that is what it's called.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> windowed DirectX on two monitors

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