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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Alienware´s Video Array
Mauricio   2004-09-05 02:32
here you have a link to the Faq
up to 4 monitors using 2 cards

video array is not limited to 2 cards you can plug 4 or more
4 or more gpu´s

so you can fill your workplace with all the monitors u wish, and even use them at same time for multimonitor gaming or 3d apps like 3dmax,....

Price, a 2 videocard solution which would power up to 4 display is set to cost about 6 to 7.000$
however this is what ppl comments, there´r no official statements about price.

I would like to get my hands on a 3 gpu setup with 3 monitors for multimonitor gaming,... and studying :)

Things to unveil:

We need more details to emerge about nvidia sli solution.

We need to know if Ati is gonna move its ass to counterattack with a propietary solution.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Alienware´s Video Array

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