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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> how could I launch VLC on 1° monitor and view film in 2° monitor ?
Captain Frag   2004-09-05 03:18
I did have a Gforce 4 and did use Nview.
with it, I could add shortcuts to launch VideoLan (or other movie viewer) so while I did use 2 monitors I could have my PC monitor to pilot VLC and have the movie played to my 2° monitor (TV).

Since I've bought an ATI Radeon 9800 ; I 've found the way to clone my monitor and TV but not the way to add shortcuts.
BTW, I don't want to use the clone option but use 2 separate monitor(TV).

I can do this with ultramon, but it doesn't work with movies ...

Does someone know where I could find a similar program ? or if someone knows how to use shortcuts associate with prog. in ATI's Hydravision utility ?

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> how could I launch VLC on 1° monitor and view film in 2° monitor ?

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