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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> fx5900xt monitors not recognized after fx5200 pci installed; help?
george felts   2004-09-07 05:11
I am trying to implement a three monitor setup.
I currently have a MSI fx5900xt agp card installed with two monitors. Everything works nicely. I installed a gainward fx5200 pci card and attached a third monitor. Windows xp/home activates using the pci card properly. The monitors attached to the fx5900xt agp card do not seem to get recognized. They light up with black on the left side, and white on the right. Looking in device manager, I see both display cards as being active with a NVIDIA driver of 61.77 which is current. On the monitor section, I only see the IBM-G97 monitor which is attached to the pci card. I get the same results if I use either pci slot 1 or 3. I ran the detect new hardware with no results. I think this should work, but I need some ideas.
ECarlson   2004-09-07 13:17
What happens when you set the AGP card to primary in BIOS?

- Eric,
george felts   2004-09-08 01:10
The bios is currently set to AGP as primary. I think I tried it with PCI as primary at one time, with the same results, but I can't be certain I did it properly. It does seem strange that the PCI card appears to be primary and working properly. The motherboard is a MSI 865PE-Neo2-P. The bios is not quite current, but I don't see any fixes that look applicable, and don't want to take any unnecessary chances by updating the motherboard bios. What is strange is that the AGP card is reported as operating normally, but the monitors attached to it are nowhere to be found. Could this be a AGP card bios problem?
ECarlson   2004-09-08 11:44
If you don't have the current BIOS on your motherboard, update it. If you have any custom settings, write them down, because you should clear (set to default) your BIOS settings after updating, then put back your custom settings.

- Eric,
george felts   2004-09-14 05:35
Updating the BIOS from v3.5 to 3.8 solved the problem.
ECarlson   2004-09-14 11:39
Great! I always start by updating the BIOS, since it affects everything.

My first step in building a computer (after putting everything in the case) is to make sure it has the latest BIOS, then I install the OS.

And the first thing I do if a computer is having mysterious problems is make sure it has the latest BIOS.

- Eric,
Andrew   2004-12-04 04:41
I'm actually having a problem that sounds very close. I got 5900xt main + 5200 pci to my two side montitors sort of working on 61.77 drivers, but I was getting weird screen blurring in windows and games would get black dots on them & stuff as well.

Then I upgraded to 66.93 drivers and now windows won't detect any monitors attached to my 5200 card..
Kyle   2004-12-07 11:24
Andrew, I had the same problem as you. Device manager only recognized 2 cards and 1 monitor. I rolled back the drivers and researching the issue on hand.
pietro   2004-12-13 19:49
hi, i just bought an nvidia 5200pci card in addition to 5900agp - and here i am, searching for help :(

seems that many ppl have same problem. is it just nvidia driver issue? i am using 66.93, the last one.

In the Device manager i can see both cards, thou the PCI one doesnt have any i/o range resources - and i guess it should.... only memory range and irq - how would a driver communicate with the card?

anyhow, anybody having luck using some other drivers?
Seahorse   2004-12-15 04:43
The current 'leaked' ones are 70.20s...

Dead-Fish.Com - Deep sea Daddies...
Jason Neal   2004-12-17 03:58
I also have a 5200PCI and 5900AGP. With any driver newer than 61.17, I can't get both display's to be recognized by windows correctly (only the primary AGP display works correctly).

With 61.17, I can use both display's correctly. I have one monitor plugged into the 5900 and two monitors in the 5200.

Jason Neal
Garan Dallimore   2004-12-17 11:44
I'm having the same issues with a pair of NVidia cards. I've got a GFX 6600GT AGP and a 5200FX PCI card.

I've tried the leaked 71.20 drivers and still I'm not getting any displays detected on the PCI card.

Has anyone heard any comment from Nvidia?


Smaulz   2004-12-17 16:07
I'm having the same problem. Installed a 6600GT AGP, and it works great. Added a 5200PCI and the whole works blows up. I can sort of get the 5200 to work if I set PCI as primary, but it 'infinite loops' on me pretty often, while the AGP doesn't work at all. If I set the AGP as primary, it crashes on starup with an infinite loop. I think the drivers that came with the card are 66** series, but I can't use anything older since they don't cover the 6600 cards. I've tried all possible combination of BIOS settings, and have even gone so far as re-installing WinXP. Any ideas at all would be HUGELY appreciated.

By the way, I had the same setup working great with a ParheliaAGP and 2x Matrox G450PCI's. The NVIDIA's just don't want to work no matter what. I really don't want to give up my third monitor just so I can game a little, but I'm getting really fed up messing with it.
Andrew   2005-01-04 12:28
I went out and bot a radeon 9250 pci the other day and now i have 5900xt 2 x 9250 1 working. just don't install the radeon catalyst drivers and you'll get 3 2d's or 1 3d screen, which is all i wanted anyways. you could probably find a cheaper matrox multi (~g450 or something) that also does the trick. basically, just don't put a second nvidia card in there!

it's working now, but we'll see in a week.
khariv   2005-01-05 02:34
Ive got a similar setup with a 6800 GT AGP card and a 5200 PCI card. I had a few problems getting everything up and running but I finally did and now everything basically works well.

To get things running, I had to set the primary display in BIOS to the PCI card - setting it to the AGP card crashes XP during startup. Additionally I had to install / uninstall / reinstall the drivers a few times to get it working. It IS possible, but its a bit of a pain.

One other thing - you mention that you "infinite loop" a lot. Exactly what do you mean?

I have noticed that with this setup, my sound gets stuck in a loop occasionally. I dont remember this ever happening with my Matrox setup (Parhelia and G450). Is this what you're seeing? This might be what's happening to me.

My 2 cents on this is that we're saturating the PCI bus with data. I tried putting a SB Audigy card into my PC. I had to pull it out because it regularly looped and played a LOT of static. I've got 1 PCI card and a raid card in my system and I guess thats just too much for the SB to work correctly.

Seahorse   2005-01-05 05:51
Got them working with every detonator I've tried up to and including 70.24s. Sometimes takes a little fiddling, but if you remember what the settings are that work, you can set them manually...

Dead-Fish.Com Deep sea Daddies...
UB   2005-01-06 02:33
try 61.76
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> fx5900xt monitors not recognized after fx5200 pci installed; help?

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