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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> MS Remote desktop with dual display
Josh   2004-09-07 16:08
I'm just wondering. Does anyone know if it's possible to be on a dual display system and remote desktop into another dual display system and actually be able to make sure of both monitors?

Or is MS dual display stuff limited to a singel monitor?
Kyle   2004-09-08 09:54
I have wondered that as well because my friend tried to use remote desktop to see a configuration file I made. He could not get it to connect and my computer just froze up and would not go back to normal from there. I'm sure that using multiple monitors for the remote computer to access wouldn't make a difference. Just be sure that you enable one monitor only while having a remote desktop connection and then it would be fine. If you used multiple desktops and it worked im sure it would rape your bandwidth majorly.
Josh   2004-09-08 11:33
It shouldn't be that bad for bandwidth. If done well. I mean I can effectivly use remote desktop over dialup connection at a 1024x768 res. So if i can do that with dial up. Considering I normally use broadband it shouldn't be too bad.

And I mean I have connected to a dual display system fro ma single monitor system. It works fine. Well with the exception of ultramon. Ultramon gets confused and moves all the smart taskbars onto the one monitor which is kinda annoying because they apear over top of the real windows bar which means you have to close the smart askbar to use the real one.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> MS Remote desktop with dual display

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