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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> different wallpapers for different monitors
Phil Mills   2004-09-08 07:12
This has probably been asked before but I can't seem to find it.

I am looking for a software or maybe a plugin for ultramon, to display different wallpapers for each montiors by a timer (ie. 3 monitors, meaning 3 different wallpapers)

One of them would change at like every 30 minutes, while 2nd change at every 4 hours and 3rd would change at every 24 hours?

Is there a software or plugin available? Or can someone here write one? Been waiting for someone to make one *grin*

thanks in advance

Josh   2004-09-08 08:01
I don't think ultramon can do what you want. Although if I'm wrong I'm sure i'll be corrected right away. You could do it using a standard background changing program.

It's sort of hard but since the way you get diffrent backgrounds on diffrent monitors is simply done by making one big picture and then using it you could use the same principle for this.

It would take a lot of work to setup, since you'd have to make all the diffrent pictures yourself. You could of course mix up this order as much as you like so monitor one will stay the same well monitor 2 changes. Of course you need to make all these background images first and then just pick them in windows and set them to tile.

Tricky but doable.
Phil Mills   2004-09-08 11:47
Yes I have thought of this way but what if I decided to add another monitor? Then I'll have to re-edit all those wallpapers once again.

Oh! What if I decided to arrange my monitors as L shaped instead of straight line? Then I'll have to re-edit the wallpapers.

Sure hoped there was something that would benefit us instead of us laboring (yes I'm lazy)

Josh   2004-09-09 05:22
Well, you could write a program which simply takes in a couple wallpapers and makes the one large image.

I'd do it myself but the only image format I know how to slap together like that is bmp's, and I'm too lazy to lookup file header information on compressed formats to see how to handle them.

You could always ask to get that added to the next version of ultramon. I'm sure he'd capable of making such a feature. Although I'm not sure how many people really want such a feature.
Phil Mills   2004-09-09 07:27
Is there an exmaple of code where that exists? (merging 2 or more into 1 image)

If I could see how it works I might be able to duplicate for other headers.

No promises thou :-) heh.

kev   2004-09-17 16:02
the nvidia driver suite comes with desktop manager which does exactly what you are looking for...ati on the other hand (as i have recently found out after making the switch to ati) doesnt
Seahorse   2004-09-17 23:01
I have nVidia on the main beast and ATI on the laptop. The ATI software is hateful...

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Phil Mills   2004-09-18 16:18
So am I to assume that desktop manager only works with nvidia cards? Kinda a bad thing if we got mixed brands of cards?

Seahorse   2004-09-18 19:24
As I understand it, mixing Ati with nVidia causes dramas anyway...

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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> different wallpapers for different monitors

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