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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> SP 2 upgrade
Randy   2004-09-11 12:22
I installed the SP 2 and got a rolling desktop on one of my monitors. I mean it made everything bigger and I had to scroll off the side of the screen to bring the edges on. I uninstalled the SP 2 and everything was back to normal. Anyone have any idea what this is?
ECarlson   2004-09-11 13:33
Sounds like your virtual display area was larger than your real display area, so it enabled scrolling to see the larger image. I'm not sure how to turn this off or on, but I do remember, way back when, on occasion seeing two sliders in Display Properties, one for the virtual desktop size, and one for the physical display size. If both are set the same, then there is no scrolling. But again, I don't know how to turn that feature on or off.

- Eric,
Josh   2004-09-11 18:30
I don't know about the two sliders, but usually thes scrolling desktop you speak of is done because you set a resolution higher then the max resolution of a monitor. It then scrolls in order to actually use that resolution.

Of course when the monitor can actually handle the higher resolution that is usually a sign that the drivers installed for the monitor are incorrect and causing the computer to think the monitor cannot handle the higher resolution.

In other words, you should simply be able to uninstall the monitor drivers, install the correct ones and then reboot and everything should work fine. It may also be worth checking your video card drivers.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> SP 2 upgrade

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