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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> nfoce 1
David K   2004-09-11 21:44
Can someone with a nforce1 motherboard with tri or dual monitor setup help me out.

I know that nforce onboard video cannot be used at the same time as the AGP video.

My problem is that my nforce1 motherboard is not recognising my PCI video card.

I have a old S3 2~4MB PCI video card which i know works because i use it for dual-mon on another PC. But using this card on my nforce motherboard, I cannot boot from PCI (which is required so that i can use it). Even with just the PCI card, i cannot get the system booting.

AGP card i'm using is AGP Radeon7500 (dual head).

Thank you
ECarlson   2004-09-12 03:03
Obvious question: Do you have the latest BIOS installed on your motherboard?

- Eric,
Josh   2004-09-12 04:55
Another obvious question.

You have gone into the bios and set PCI as the primary one for video right?
Josh   2004-09-12 04:56
Ummm, nm. Ignore my above question. I misread your post.

God I wish there was a delete button right about now. :)
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> nfoce 1

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