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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Developing slideshow application with multi-monitor support
Daniel Persson   2004-09-13 10:12
I've just released a small slideshow application that has multi-monitor support (meaning that you can have 1 slideshow window running anywhere on the Windows desktop), and I would really like to get some feedback on it, especially regarding use on multi-monitor systems. I have 2 monitors myself, so any input from users with 3 or more monitors would be much appreciated. For instance, would it be valuable to be able to run 2 or more independent slideshow windows at the same time? To do that in the current version you have to run multiple instances of the application.

All feedback is much appreciated!

Daniel Persson HUNCH Software
ECarlson   2004-09-13 11:33
> For instance, would it be valuable to be able to run 2 or more independent slideshow windows at the same time?

Of course it would. That would make it especially valuable to multi-monitor users. There are already dozens (if not hundreds) of slideshow programs, but one with enhanced support for multiple monitors would stand out. People have asked for such things here in the past, and there haven't been a lot of options.

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Developing slideshow application with multi-monitor support

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