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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Games on monitor 2
Timmy   2004-09-18 23:13
I am using a laptop screen as monitor one and and conencted to the laptop is an LG 17" monitor which i am using as my second monitor. I wihs to paly a full screen game on my large monitor. How do i go about this? I have tried to set the external monitor as monitor one but it stuffs up. When i do this, the external monitor goes to standby and the laptop monitor goes to 640x480. How can i paly a game on the big screen.

My graphics card on the laptop is a Intel(R) 82852/82855 GM/GME and the gmae i am tryign to run is Age of empires 2 expansion.

Any ideas?

jeroen   2004-09-19 23:14
You have to set the screen you want to play games on as the primary monitor. you can do this in the settings dialog of the display properties.

Ultramon can switch the primary monitor very quickly using the traymenu.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Games on monitor 2

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