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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> ATI problems, figured this the best place to find help
TroLL   2004-09-21 10:14
Ever since I installed the 4.9 drivers for my ATI AIW 9600 it won’t enable the second monitor. I can’t figure it out, when I try to enable it; it kicks on in the settings then reverts back in one second with no change on the second monitor. Same deal when I use Ultra-mon, witch I’ve been using for years (big fan). I don’t want to go back to the old drivers because it’s solved some stability issues with some games. Any help or suggestions would be great. Thanks!
Joe   2004-09-30 05:23
I have the same problem. AIW 9600xt Cat 4.9. The second monitor is not in the device managers list but it is selectable in the desktop setting window. When I click extend my desktop to this monitor it reverts back almost immediately.

Troll if you are using XP ??? Does the second monitor appear in your device listing?
TroLL   2004-10-22 09:14
I am using XP SP2 with the latest drivers for my card. I can see the secondary monitor in both the ati control thing and in the display manager. I can turn the secondary monitor on but it turns it off immediately after turning it on with no response on the secondary monitor at all and no error message. This is really bugging me.
Wobly   2004-10-24 03:41
I had the same issue. I tested all the versions of the Cats from 4.1 to 4.10 and it turns out that 4.9 and 4.10 are the ones that don't let multiple monitors work. I went to 4.8 and everything works fine.
Stephen R Terwilliger   2004-11-01 11:34
Same prob here. It's my understanding that whatever changes ATI made in Cats 4.9 & 4.10 "broke" Multi monitor support and they're not interested in fixing it.
Tom   2004-12-07 08:25
I had the same problem and had as well revert to 4.8.

Has Anyone tested the new 4.11? Does it support the second monitor again?
paul73   2005-01-19 02:47
Whats about the new ATI driver version 5.1? Still the same error, or fixed?

thanks for reply,
Trendecide   2005-01-19 14:19
Yes, it broke in 4.9 and was fixed again in 4.13. The current 5.1 runs with no problems.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> ATI problems, figured this the best place to find help

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