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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual monitors in expanded mode possible?
Matthew Stiller   2004-09-25 08:44
I just wanted to know if it would be possible for me to run dual monitors (in expanded mode, not mirror4 mode)on my laptop, using the LCD display and then an external CRT. From the research i have done, it looks like it is impossible with my current setup, just would like to get some second opinions. I have a ProSavage S3 graphics card. Unfortuanetly, proSavage offers no support what so ever, so I have no way to contact them and verify with them. Whenever I do hook up my external monitor I can only monitor in mirror mode. What I am looking to do is expand my desktop to the second monitor.
ECarlson   2004-09-26 12:28
It is probably not possible. But just in case, are you running the latest S3 drivers? Also, can you identify which S3 ProSavage chipset it is running?

- Eric,
Matthew Stiller   2004-09-28 12:59
Hey. Thanks for taking the time to read up on my situation. Yes, I do have the latest drivers for the S3 proSavage video card. I have no idea on how I would be able to find out the chipset I am using. I have tried to find it, but it came up fruitless. Now, I have talked to one of my friends who told me, all he did to activatre his was enter a "crack". He said that his dual monitors worked, but only in mirror mode. So, he said he was able to find a "crack" and run them in expanded mode. I'm not sure if he means "crack" as in running code, or just a key, or what. Let me know if you have heard of this. Thanks.
ECarlson   2004-10-01 16:01
No I haven't heard of a crack. I think S3 might have a utility you can run to find out the chipset.

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual monitors in expanded mode possible?

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