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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> I NEED YOUR HELP!! DUAL MONITORS NOT WORKING!!
ryan   2004-09-27 06:19
I was running my computer with an ATI 3D RAGE IIC AGP for the longest time. Then I decided to try to install a 64-bit Nvidia RIVA TNT2 for another monitor. I installed it, turned it on and now on the monitor running on the Nvidia card will work. what is going on?? please help!!
ECarlson   2004-09-27 10:10
The old ATI card needs to be initialized first, so if both cards are PCI, try swapping the card slots they are in, and hopefully the ATI will initialize first. If one is AGP and one is PCI, then go in to the BIOS (CMOS) setup, and set whichever is the ATI to primary.

Once Windows is running, you can choose either monitor as primary for Windows.

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> I NEED YOUR HELP!! DUAL MONITORS NOT WORKING!!

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