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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual Monitors, games, mouse coral
PuFF   2004-09-28 06:27
Hi, i have an ATI9200 and use a DoubleSite display. All my games work fine, but just one small annoying thing, the mouse has a nasty habit of leaving the monitor that the game is on, and goin over to the other when i move it to the right to scroll across the game map on the screen(real time strategy games). Is there anyway to keep the mouse ONLY on the monitor the game is running on. Like some way to block its movements to the other monitor while the game is being played? If i'm gental and take the time to just barely touch the edge of the screen with the mouse cursor it works. It just REALY annoying

Kyle   2004-09-28 10:26
I would just recommend using the option that changes the monitor the game runs on to the single monitor you want so that the mouse won't "wonder off". I think that would work.

Right click on the shortcut and go to the far right tab. Set the monitor you want from there.
PuFF   2004-09-28 10:45
If your talking about the "ignored monitor" thing, i did that, for some reason though, the mouse goes off the edge, and disapears like there WAS a monitor there and i still have the same problem. There must be a utility somewhere that would allow me to specify specific software, and coral the mouse to what ever monitor the software(game) defaults to, and allow the use of a "hot key" that would temp remove the "Wall" and allow the mouse to go to the other screen. kinda like u use CTRL to allow popups to get through, if not, i'd give that as a suggest for the next version of UltraMon :) lol

DarkKewlz   2004-09-28 18:04
OOOOH Wee i'm so glad you posted this, for the last two weeks i have been going crazy over this.
The problem is a DirextX 9 issue as far as i have found out. and after talking to every idiot that calls themselves Tech Support, this is the best answer.
My solution is to use UltraMon, I set a Hot Key to disable/Enable Secondary Monitors. So right b4, or even while playing games, i can Press My hot key combination, disabling the other monitors, then imidiatly after press this key combanation again to restore auxulary monitors.
This is the best bet.
Ultramon Options, "HotKeys"
Please post if you find another solution.

and RealTime Soft, Peoples. if you reading Add an option to UltraMon, where we can specify settings for each game or application.
Chaching i smell money!!!

save your mind, save yourself, dont stress over small problems.
PuFF   2004-09-29 00:25
Cool, that worked, its wierd though, cause i manualy diabled the 2nd monitor and i still had a problem. But the hot key did exactly what i was looking for :). But when u use the hotkey within the game, it jumps out of the game, and sets my desktop at the resolution the game used :). I tested with C&C generals, which played at 800x600, i enabled the monitor while in the game, and the desktop went to 800x600 aswell. When i quit the game, it was still 800x600. So it works, just not 100% when still in the game. But it will make my life just that little bit more Would be fantastic if i didnt have to disable the monitor so i could multi-task and play a game, AND watch anime while i played without the mouse leaving the 1st monitor while the game was running..hehehe...Thanx a bunch for that tip though.

Christian Studer   2004-09-29 02:38
You could also use the 'Lock mouse to primary monitor' hotkey, you'll need to press the hotkey before launching the game though.

Christian Studer -
DarkKewlz   2004-09-29 05:43
Well as "Christian" just pointed out in the Ultramon board, You can customize a setting for each game in it's shortcut properties.

So right click your C&C shortcut, click properties, set it to disable other monitors.
I doubt you know of this because Christian, forgot to tell us about the system integrations of Ultramon. or more than likely i didn't read the instructions.
Any how I’m so happy about this.. I just cant convey in words.

As for all that watching a movie and playing a game stuff? I don’t know what kind of system you got but playing a modern game that requires a lot of power and watching a movie just isn’t practical. How do you manage sound for both movie and game? No matter how many pieces of gum you can chew at once, you can still only bounce one ball at a time.

save your mind, save yourself, dont stress over small problems.
The Rizz   2004-10-10 12:10
As for all that watching a movie and playing a game stuff? I don’t know what kind of system you got but playing a modern game that requires a lot of power and watching a movie just isn’t practical.

Two words: dual processor

How do you manage sound for both movie and game?

Well, two easy solutions are to have a sound card that costs more than $5, or have the applications using DirectSound.

Most sound cards I've seen in the last 5 years support multiple simultaneous WAV streams, and Microsoft's DirectSound (part of DirectX) supports blending multiple DirectSound sources together.

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual Monitors, games, mouse coral

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