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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> video playback when mirroring across 3 monitors.
Sarin   2004-09-30 04:47
The system is a P4 3.4ghz, 2gb RAM, Geforce 6800 GT with dual DVI, and a PCI Geforce 5200 with single DVI out. I can get mirroring to work without error. however when playing any video playback, it will display the first frame and then freeze that picture. All other functions continue to mirror(mouse, time counter for video).

I was wondering if there is any settings so this will work well or if a video splitter would be the best solution to mirror video playback across the monitors.

Christian Studer   2004-09-30 05:20
Try disabling video overlays and 3D acceleration in mirroring options, this should fix the problem.

Please note that this usually won't work for MPEG2 video (DVD video), most DVD players require video overlays.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> video playback when mirroring across 3 monitors.

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