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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Which Video Card to use Ultramon with 3+ monitors DVI
Chris R   2004-10-01 04:30
I currently have two Dell 20" LCD running at 1600x1200. I want to add a third and was wondering which is the best videocard setup to buy for the least amount of hassels. I would like to run all three in DVI if possible but if I could run all three from a single card that would be best even if I had to run one in analog (needed for my HDTV pass through)

Uses primarily surfing, movie editing (small amount) and some gaming but not hardcore.

Chris R   2004-10-01 07:43
I need directX 9.0 also
Christian Studer   2004-10-04 03:44
I would get a PCI card for the 3rd monitor, for example the Nvidia Quadro NVS 280 from PNY.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Which Video Card to use Ultramon with 3+ monitors DVI

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